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Every New Day is Unique Filled with Opportunity……..

I am fortunate to witness sunrises and sunsets behind two magnificent mountain ranges.  The winter months are easy to witness sunrises since they occur at a civilized hour of about 7am.  During the summer one needs to be diligent to rise at about 5am to catch the show.  Most of our summers are cloudless so when there is a chance of a show I drag myself out of bed and try and focus and not be blinded by the morning light to see if there is something interesting.

Even a sky lacking clouds has a subtle change of color and light intensity leading upto the sun light piercing over the mountain peak shooting it’s ray’s in every direction to celebrate the day.  The dramatic mornings are amazing.  Cloud formations, the diagonal jet streams highlighted,  stormy clouds forming,  God light beams –  OMG !!!!

Some artists do a daily painting as a  discipline.  I have begun doing little 6″ x 8″ paintings  almost daily.  Not so much as a discipline but it becomes almost spiritual practice.  They are small because I have to work quickly to capture “that moment” that struck my heart.  Sometimes I have to do two because the colors and clouds have drastically reformed.  Every day is unique.  Every moment is different.  It becomes a celebration of the exact moment, appreciation of the glory of a simple daily occurrence that we can easily miss most days.   I have developed an awareness :  we can create a new and wonderful day for ourselves to enjoy, every moment is precious, there is so much beauty around us and on and on.

It’s amazing  what can be instilled in my soul by doing a simple little painting. Hopefully these little sketches capture some of those powerful moments for you to enjoy if you can’t manage to get up early enough to witness this magnificence first hand.

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